Open MUI File

Information, tips and instructions

How to repair MUI files

If you have the problem of a lost or corrupted .mui file, following these simple steps you can carry out its repair or restitution, in case they are lost.

Use Windows Backup to recover lost or deleted .mui files by restoring files.

If you can't find .mui on your PC due to any of the reasons like accidental file deletion, file modification then there is still chance of recovering .mui. Yes, all you need to do is restore .mui from the backup.

How to restore .mui files from backup

To restore deleted .mui files by backup, make sure the drive or storage media is available where the backup of .mui files has been saved. Also, users should follow these steps carefully

  • Step 1: Select and click start button, now click Control Panel, then select System and Maintenance option and finally press Backup and Restore option.
  • Step 2: Now click on Restore my files to recover deleted .mui files by following the wizard.

If you cannot recover the .mui file manually, you can use some deleted file recovery software, they usually recover any type of file, but you should be able to filter by extension and file type. Follow the steps below to restore your deleted .mui file.

  • Step 1 Download the File Recovery Software on your PC.
  • Step 2 Select the extension .mui file to be recovered and then click on “Next” option. You can recover various types of deleted files, including files like documents, text, images, videos, emails or any other office files.
  • Step 3 Select the location from where the deleted .mui file will be recovered. Users can select files even from inaccessible hard drives, partitions, or volumes on their computer hard drives and disks. .mui files can even be selected from the bad sector of the hard drive.
  • Step 4 Once the scanning process starts, select Enable Preview option if you want to see the preview of the .mui files deleted while the scanning process continues.
  • Step: 5 You can see the preview of the deleted .mui recoverable files once the scanning process is completed. Users can have the option to choose between "File Type", "Tree View" and "Deleted File List .mui" from the hard drive, memory cards or any other external storage and device.
  • Step: 6 Select the desired location to save the deleted .mui files on your PC. However, users need to purchase the licensed version of the removed .mui file recovery software for this.